Roberto h. González1

An analysis of the integrated control approach in the context of current plant protección schemes is discussed. The Integrated Pest Control concept is defined and compared with related disciplines namely Pest Management. The feasibility of its application, particularly in Chile, and the strategies suggested according to the specific conditions of the agroecosystem are discussed at the light of existing experiences accumulated elsewhere mainly on apple and peach orchads.
It is conclude that these programmes should be based on original research or on information adapted to the particular ecosystem. When the main focus is the safeguard of natural enemies, the bionomics of the species involved as well as its susceptibility to various pesticides must be thoroughly studied. Howere, in order to launch integrated control programmes in a large scale, simple recommendations in the earlier stages of implementation may suffice. The application of this method under prevailing conditions existing in Chile is encouraged and the basic information so far produced is reviewed.

1Ing. Agr., M. S., Ph. D., Profesor de Entomología, Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad de Chile. Dirección actual: Servicio de Protección de Plantas, División de Producción y Protección Vegetal, FAO, Roma, Italia.